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Here I am . . .

this is my pubblic profile but

my photos describe me  better

Among my guests now

At the time of my B&B

Originally from Milan, where she finished her high school studies and developed a long carreer as PA in multinational companies, Anna moved to Liguria in 2003 and she proudly opened her B&B in Chiavari area. Thanks to her command of English and French and her familiarity in public relations she ran the B&B business successfully for nine years. Unfortunately she had to close it down in 2012 but since then she has been dealing with the promotion of the tourism in the same area offering cooking classes on the Ligurian cuisine, being a private chef on request, editing  cookery books and touristic booklets, advertising vacation apartments available in the area and receiving guests on their arrival, offering  local guided  tours. Over the last 15 years Anna lives in close contact with her friend Bart, an American gentleman from San Francisco with Ligurian origins. With him she has been working on historical researches on the emigration of Ligurian people towards the Americas.


Anna & Bart


San Francisco Museum

of Italian Immigration

to California

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